Afternoon all! {Big Wave}

This past year a lot has gone on & has been happening for us all & it suddenly hit me the other day that Leah will soon be heading off to secondary school & that this summer would effectively be 'our last summer' with her, as we all know once secondary school starts you gain a new found independence which is like no other & you want to be off out with your new friends & as it is today sitting face timing them as opposed to sitting watching tv with family of an evening.

With this in mind, and a tear in my eye ;), I decided to keep a record of our last summer by blogging about what we get up to so that I forever {assuming here we will have the internet forever more, well until it takes us over & we become its drones!!} have something to look back on the last summer she was properly a child, probably the last summer of willingly taking day trips with us & just doing general day to day things, chalk drawings outside, skating,  playing dolls with Freya & more. Don't get me wrong I know she'll still do all those things with us but I am all too aware that its almost time for friends first, which I'm excited & terrified about in equal measure!!

So lets start this off with this image of her that shows her age & a glimpse of the grown up girl she's becoming....

Ashleigh Shea Photography - Leah 001

Oh how I love that face <3

If you have a son or daughter too going to secondary this year & have the same feeling going on feel free to join me in keeping a record of your journey & sharing your 'last summer' too.

See you soon lovelies.

Love Ash.x


  1. Marina

    My daughters are only 5 and 2 but I know how quickly time passes. Luckily having a photographer as a mum means you will get all these memories to look back onto. Looking forward to the blog posts 🙂

    • Ashleigh.x

      It’s a bittersweet time thats for sure Marina!! I’m feeling like I’ve not captured every little detail but I try as hard as I can to respect the girls wishes when they don’t want to be photographed, I may bribe/encourage at times but being a photographer thats just got to happen 😉


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