Cancer is s*^t!

Morning all!

I realise its been a fair while since I gave you an update on mums journey through her cancer & chemo. From when I last posted she has had a hick line fitted due to the chemo causing blood clots in her arm so she can no longer have the cannula in her hand for treatment hence the hick line. She also needs to do injections at home now which are no fun at all & bruise like mary hell! {Is that the right saying?!}

The last two treatments of 2015 went well, again mum didn't get many side affects the worst being a sore mouth & tiredness so nothing to complain about really. She spent christmas here with us & we had a lovely quiet day filled with playing Cluedo & eating our weight in sweets, as you do ;)

family christmas

Looking fab Christmas day ;)

The new year has brought with it the next stage of chemo, the stronger one & let me tell you it has not been kind at all, not one bit. Mum had her 4th round of chemo last Tuesday & has been in agony since then. I've forgotten the name of this stronger one but what it does is attack the bone marrow which in turn causes serious amounts of pain throughout the body, even on the tops of her feet & in her fingers tips. This next stage has to be combined with a nightly injection at home which has caused even more pain, Mum is suffering a fair bit after this round. The pain from the injections is in her back, hips & legs {which they said could be a side effect} mum has had a really rough weekend which ended with a trip to a&e to get something stronger to help with the pain.

She was better yesterday & will hopefully be better today, it's so hard to know how to help when seeing someone you love in that much pain, I can only hope that as the week progresses her body starts to build up a tolerance to the chemo & the pain lessens.

With love Ash.x


  1. Emma T

    Hope your mum’s holding up and getting over the last treatment. My mum went through the same with hick line/blod clots, injections etc . It’s really not pleasant but worth it if it can help and give that chance to beat it. Good luck to your mum and to the rest of the family supporting her.

    • Ashleigh.x

      She’s on the up this week thank you Emma. It’s not fun at all is it, I hope your mum is now well & in the clear? Thank you very much.xx


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