7 Tips for Celebrating New Years Eve with Kids
It's almost New Years Eve and you're hearing talks of big nights out, going to watch the fireworks in town and then some from colleagues and friends with no kids. I'm here to tell you NYE with kids doesn't mean you can't still have fun!!
We have celebrated every New Years Eve since having the girls either indoors, at family's or at friends and they've all been a blast! We've had games nights, movie nights, quiet drinks and full on parties, the kids have loved being a part of each different one.
This year we are again staying in, as always the living room pretty much becomes the kids domain and the kitchen/dining room the adults... each will of course stray into the others territory especially if a particularly good song come on!
This year I have complied 7 tips (a few of which have been our most loved things we've done) for celebrating New Years Eve with kids. Lets get started;
1) Get Glammed up!!
Pull out a party dress or sparkly top and skirt for the girls and shirts and jeans for the lads. Let the girls have a bit of sparkly eye shadow and light lippy, let the lads gel their hair and wear dads aftershave. Being all dressed up can make it feel more special and like you're not indoors at all. The kids love to feel like little grown ups and indoor parties are perfect places for them to be so!
2) Create a NYE Box...
So we're all going mad over the new tradition of Christmas Eve Boxes but this year we're, that is to say I'm, doing a New Years Eve one up for the kids. It will be filled with all the best crap kids love at parties like glow sticks, party poppers, photo-booth props, popcorn, 2023 hats/tiaras, maybe a confetti cannon and as always charades ours all love a game of charades. If you're having a movie night or just have younger kids you could pop in a hot choc, a dvd and some popcorn ready to all snuggle up on the sofa together.
3) Pre-arrange a Sleepover -
When you have a house party theres always a designated driver that doesn't get to have as much fun ;) as everyone else so prepare for that and ask them all to sleepover before the event! If like us you don't have tons of space ask them to bring sleeping bags and/or blow up beds so they can literally crash anywhere! After all its just one night and will be so much fun for the kids!
4) Make the Countdown fun...
Why not try blowing up 6 balloons with helium and popping them on the hour each hour from 7pm. The kids can all take turns doing the popping and the final one being popped as the clock strikes 12 can be a confetti filled balloon so that it explodes like a glitter ball! You could make it even more fun by adding in prompts to each hour balloon, things like find your family members and take a selfie (we always have at least 3 different families at ours!), rock, paper, scissors to decide who pops the next hour, at 11pm a whole group selfie - the last of 2022 etc.
5) I have little, littles though...
Have an early party with them before bedtime, it'll be dark so they won't realise it's not quite 12 yet ;)
Pop on some of their favourite songs, have a little boogy, make some mocktails or have some of their favourite desert and countdown before they go to bed. You could even get up the fireworks from last year on you tube for them to do their countdown to!
6) Create a time/memory capsule -
Either write down 3 of your best bits from 2022 or your aspirations for 2023 and seal in a jar, box, pot whatever you have to be read next new years eve.
You could even do both and when looking back see if they came true/if you still see those as your best bits of 2022. This can be done with the whole family. If you have toddlers/kids that can speak ask them a few questions and write their answers down for them. You could have favourite Christmas present, best friend, favourite food, etc. Then ask them what they'd like to be when they grow up, what they'd like to do next year, how tall they think they'll be next new years eve or whatever else you'd like to start collecting as a memory bank for them to look back on. This could be a fabulous tradition that you start with your kids, at the next year when you open you could have an album with their photo in it and their answers stuck next to it or you could keep them all in the jar, whatever you choose.If you had a photo session with me this year you could add an image from your shoot in too, and add each year and create a wonderful collection of your family growing each year.
7) New Parents/Parents of Newborns...
Go to Bed!!!! Lol! In all seriousness though you've been through a lot recently if you're tired sod it, stick your phone on silent, take bubbas night feed up with you (if you're bottle feeding) and go to bed and enjoy your sleep... who knows they might just sleep through ;)
How ever you choose to do New Years Eve with Kids be safe, be kind and most of all have fun your way.
Wishing you all a very happy and loving 2023. I hope you enjoy this new decade and chapter in your life exactly how you want to!
With Love,
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